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Writer's pictureJulio Feliciano

Web Of Deception Beyond The Trap

•One day, as I was waking up, to go to work, and I had a vision. In this vision, there was a black and red spider, knitting a huge web, this web has dots in every connection, and then, I was back sitting on my bed!

•I couldn't understand the vision. it bothers me for weeks, and I could not shake it! One day while I was praying, God reveal the vision to me, it was hard to understand, and hard to explain. I try to explain it to a friend, but I could not do so! So I decided to sit on it, and forget about it! the revelation was to difficult for me to explained. One day around 1:00 AM I got on my knees to pray and when I start, The Holy spirit, told me to be quiet and to listened. He said here is the revelation to your vision.

•. At soon as your soul get save, Angels are assign to you but also evil spirits, by the enemy. At soon as you raise up as a soldier for the kingdom! Power is giving to you, but also resistance by the enemy! A strategy a trap, a web of deception, is develop according to your weakness, experiences, past traumas ,attractions, distractions, deceptions, places that you has been in the past, situations that where hard to handle, anything that can be use, to make you stumble.

The spider is satan, he does not know the future, he is not alfa and omega, so he plays, a guessing game, according to the information that he obtain from studying you all your life, and he knits your web, according to this information, this web is his battleground, wanted or not you will be in the meddle of it! and if you don't know how to fight ,yo may fall pray to it!

•What is the purpose of this web? Simple! He that has ears hear what the spirit is saying! the purpose of this web, is to make you! call to existence disaster and chaos to your life! You were created on God’s likeness and image! Satan cannot call nothing to existence! But he can cause you to do it! remember a strategy a trap, a web of deception, is develop according to your weakness, experiences, past traumas ,attractions, distractions, deceptions, places that you has been in the past, situations that where hard to handle, anything that can be use, to make you stumble.

•You have the power! Where is this power?

•This power is in the full armor of God!

•You can not stand in the middle of this web, without it!

•The armor of God purpose is to help you defeat the enemy in its own territory .

•And before you stand in the middle of this web you must know the truth about your self. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, Ephesians 6:14

•But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 1:12 That is the truth about you! And you must stand in the enemy’s territory knowing this truth. The enemy is going to try to change your heart about it! but with the breastplate secure in your chest! he will not going to be able to lie about this truth!

•He will try to stop you from fulfilling the purpose in God’s kingdom!

•But you will walk forward, with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

•It is necessary that you walk in mercy, peace and love, that you are ready to forgive those that hurt you, and be at peace with your self, so the enemy, will not use your bitterness against your self!

•The enemy is a master of deception, he will turn every little doubt in your situations in to an arrow! And he will throw it at you! That’s why you must take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16

• Heb11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This principle is key! When you are fighting inside this web! You must believed!

•The enemy wants you, to give up your sword(your fight) and the only way to convince you, is to make you give up the fight before it start!

•This is where the helmet of salvation comes in to play! Remember Goliath, when he have Saul's army petrify! and almost convince them to give up the fight, before even start! David came in wearing the helmet of salvation! and the giant couldn't penetrate his mind to impart fear! 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Knowing the word, witch is the sword of God, is imperative Because you need to attack the enemy with it! You need to remind him, who he is, and you need to know, who are you in the Lord!

God Bless you! and I hope that you understand how serious is this matter!

Julio Feliciano

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