The enemy is a Deviant Divider.
The Greek word for devil is “Diabolos” and it shares a root with the verb “Diairesi” which means Spit or divide. Found in his name, he is a splitter or divider, the question is why is he such a deviant divider. Here are two motivating factors that makes him such a deviant divider. The devil hates the Father, hates the Son, and hates the Holy Spirit and he despises their unity.
The Trinity is the perfect example of unity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit the three working as one. The devil looks at the Trinity and says if you are going to be known as Trinity, then I will be known as the divider. Adam and Eve divided, Cane and Abel divided, Jacob and Esau divided, Joseph and his brothers divided, divided, divided, divided. He hates unity, but there’s a bigger reason why he is such a deviant divider, he knows that A house divided cannot stand.
Mark 3:24-25 (NIV)
24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
The devil doesn’t want the church of God to stand because its only when it stand that we can step on his neck and crush him underneath our feet. Of course, he doesn’t want us to stand, of course he is going to try to divide us, he knows that a house divided cannot stand he’s going to try everything within his power to divide the family of God.
In Acts 2: 44-47 helps us to understand that the reasons the first church grew the way they did, it was because of their unity.
Think about it, they worship in the same place, they all had one mine, and they sold all their possession, everything they own as a whole, unity was one of the big reason why the church grew in the beginning.
There are many believers that have become so comfortable with distance them self from the house of God and the family of God, that they merely see worshiping together as an inconvenient, a scheduling conflict on an already busy schedule. The reason is obvious, just go back to the first church, they worship together as a family consistently it was a key part of the church being healthy and powerful that’s a crucial part in unity.
We have to fight for unity especially in the house of the Lord, and it’s not good if we aren’t worshiping together, how will we ever experience the power of unity that the first church experienced when they worship together so consistently.
We have come to a place where we have let what divides us become what defines us, but it’s long past due that what unites us and what describes us is Jesus Christ.
Colossians 3:11 New Living Translation (NLT)
11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised, uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in all of us.
We need to understand the enemy’s playbook and his motivation to divide us. The enemy is a note taker, and he hates his notes on unity, some believers are under the wrong impression when it comes to the enemy, they believe that the enemy has all knowledge, only God has all knowledge. That’s why he takes notes, and he’s been taking notes since the beginning.
If we would be able to look at the enemy’s notebook and see the notes he’s been taking since the beginning of time, we would see he wrote “be careful unity get answers”.