We have to commit to see, appreciate and celebrate one another.
The reason why you keep seeing the enemy in that person that frustrated you, is because you keep listening to what the enemy is telling you about them. When the devil comes to talk negative about someone that we are frustrated with its as we pull up a chair for him and listen. We have to fight for unity and sometimes the biggest open door in your life has more to do with a relationship where you are experiencing the most frustration, it creates a wide-open door for the enemy to walk right in and create havoc in your life and also theirs.
You have to fight to see that person how God sees them. The bible says that we were created in His image, God also says that about the person you are so frustrated with, they too were made in his image.
TAKE A MINUTE: I want you to think about that person you are so frustrated with and make a mental note of all the reasons why you are so distance from them. You see, God looks at that person you’re frustrated with the same way He looks at you. Don’t you think it grieves The Father to watch you be so frustrated with someone, someone with whom He is so obsessed with.
Now, take those notes you made in your mind and burn it.
Life is too short to be judging them, to be staying away from them. It’s time for you to fight for unity with one another, so we can come together. We have to come against the one who has been getting in between us, to divide us, so that we would never experience God’s response to our unity and God’s commanded blessings. We have to fight for unity in the name of Jesus Christ!
God Bless, Israel